Curved spacetime

Space and time together are called space-time. Space-time is like a giant trampoline that can 'bend' around big things like planets and stars.

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'An idea born in a Swiss patent office' means that Einstein's early career included working in an office dealing with people's inventions.  His general theory of relativity is here.


People also ask
What is space-time?
The space-time continuum process consists of four dimensions: the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height…or up/down, left/right, and forward/backward, depending upon how you wish to think of them) plus the fourth dimension of time.

Did Einstein think that space and time are two parts of one whole thing called space-time?
Einstein thought both space and time exist only within the universe. There is no time or space "outside." Einstein thought that space and time are two parts of one whole called space-time. describes how time is affected by motion in space at constant velocity speed and direction , and how mass and energy are related.  
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The pilot sits in front of a light beam which bounces off two mirrors.  When the rocket moves forward the movement makes the distance the light travels longer.

The movement moves along the trajectory of the rocket.  


In the next image, a planet is shown on a rubber sheet - spacetime - and the planet sinks into it.

 An idea of Albert Einstein's  .... , in which the presence of matter .... changes  space and makes it curve.   
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But I think maybe what you're asking  ...  is how can an independent force like gravity affect something as seemingly-random looks as if by chance as time; if man made up the linear line-like form of time, then how can gravity, a force that's been here long before time*, really affect whether it's slower or faster? 
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*Has gravity always been here?

The same gravity that keeps you on the ground on Earth also holds the Earth together, holds the Earth in orbit around the sun, and holds the sun in orbit around the rest of the galaxy. Gravity has existed for as long as the universe has, and it will keep existing, for as long as we do, and beyond.
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Is gravity the only force that affects time?

No. Gravity is warped space-time and time is the dimension that's interwoven with space at every point, at every level, which allows for motion...

  1. We often describe this geometry as “flat” for the most part.

  2.  However, concentrating energy in a volume (typically as mass) “curves” this space-time. 

  3. This means that parallel lines do not remain parallel at a distance, in the same way that a globe has a curved 2Dimensional surface. 

  4. With space-time we’re describing a curved 4D manifold. 

  5. Time also flows differently compared  between curved and uncurved space. 

  6. The further into a gravity well you go, the slower your clocks will tick compared to an outside observer. 

  7. Put these two effects together and objects in curved space are also accelerating, which is where we get gravity.


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