The Starship Enterprise


 The Starship Enterprise more


1  Captain's Log

2   Imagination

3   Saturn

4   Captain James Tiberius Kirk

5   Your log

     The most important section!

1  Captain's Log

Captain's Log, Stardate 41153.7 

Our target is planet Deneb IV beyond which lies the great, unexplored mass of the galaxy. 

My orders are to examine Farpoint, a star-base built there by the living things of that world. 

Meanwhile, I am comfortable with my new command of this Galaxy-class Enterprise.

      signed -  James Tiberius Kirk.


As you see, a log is like a diary.

Where you see green text on this site it will suggest some related activity to go in your log.

Best if you write about other topics in the log.

2   Imagination

If you were to join Captain Kirk in the year 41153.7 his first question would be 

"Where have you been?"  (That means where in your job.)


You might tell him that you went to Saturn a couple of hundred years ago.

He might have thought "Hmmm, that's not very far.".  It's 886.7 million miles.

"Show me your log, please" he replies.

"Sorry sir, I do not have one."

Captain James Tiberius Kirk.


He's a kind captain and his last words on the subject are:

"You'd better start now."

Your log

When you see text in green elsewhere on this site, it is about something to write in your log.  It also might be an activity.

Looks as if you will need a special book in which you write "Log of ...x" where X is the name of your star-ship (or whatever you like).

Make a list now of the headings for each page.

Start your log today.

Date . . .  .

The first job has been to check to see that a galaxy is a huge collection of stars.


Today I boldly went to where no one has been before!

(If you don't understand click here.)

End of Log entry

Boldy go to more on your log here.

pagetop here

It is hoped that you write what you have looked 
at every time.

It helps learning.

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